mark changes as read

The responsibility of marking changes as read is being moved from
the service level to the changes application. It has already been
removed from the change service. In this commit, it's being added
to the changes application. Use the existing Options.Notifications
field that provides a notification service and its MarkRead method
for accomplishing this.

In general, it's easier for the changes application to know (with
higher certainty) when a change has been read by a user. For now,
it continues to happen whenever the HTTP handler serves a page that
displays a change. In the future, we can decide to mark a thread as
read when the user scrolls down and sees the new content, instead of
right away on page load.

Also update cmd/changesdev for githubapi.NewService API change.

dmitshur committed 6 years ago commit 2d5cbe16520770145f8d6e7e3fa8d17a81c896a5
Collapse all
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ func main() {
		var err error
		usersService, err = ghusers.NewService(ghV3)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalln("ghusers.NewService:", err)
		service = githubapi.NewService(ghV3, ghV4, nil, nil)
		service = githubapi.NewService(ghV3, ghV4, nil)

	case 1:
		cacheTransport := httpcache.NewMemoryCacheTransport()
		gerrit, err := gerrit.NewClient("", &http.Client{Transport: cacheTransport})
		//gerrit, err := gerrit.NewClient("", &http.Client{Transport: cacheTransport})
@@ -94,12 +94,15 @@ var RepoSpecContextKey = &contextKey{"RepoSpec"}
// The associated value will be of type string.
var BaseURIContextKey = &contextKey{"BaseURI"}

// Options for configuring changes app.
type Options struct {
	Notifications    notifications.Service // If not nil, changes containing unread notifications are highlighted.
	DisableReactions bool                  // Disable all support for displaying and toggling reactions.
	// Notifications, if not nil, is used to highlight changes containing
	// unread notifications, and to mark changes that are viewed as read.
	Notifications notifications.Service

	DisableReactions bool // Disable all support for displaying and toggling reactions.

	HeadPre, HeadPost template.HTML
	BodyPre           string // An html/template definition of "body-pre" template.

	// BodyTop provides components to include on top of <body> of page rendered for req. It can be nil.
@@ -214,11 +217,13 @@ func (h *handler) ChangesHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error
	var es []component.ChangeEntry
	for _, i := range is {
		es = append(es, component.ChangeEntry{Change: i, BaseURI: state.BaseURI})
	es = state.augmentUnread(req.Context(), es, h.cs, h.Notifications)
	if h.Notifications != nil {
		es = state.augmentUnread(req.Context(), es, h.Notifications, h.cs)
	state.Changes = component.Changes{
		ChangesNav: component.ChangesNav{
			OpenCount:     openCount,
			ClosedCount:   closedCount,
			Path:          state.BaseURI + state.ReqPath,
@@ -255,42 +260,40 @@ func stateFilter(query url.Values) (change.StateFilter, error) {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported state filter value: %q", selectedTabName)

func (s state) augmentUnread(ctx context.Context, es []component.ChangeEntry, service change.Service, notificationsService notifications.Service) []component.ChangeEntry {
	if notificationsService == nil {
		return es

	tt, ok := service.(interface {
func (s state) augmentUnread(ctx context.Context, es []component.ChangeEntry, notificationService notifications.Service, changeService change.Service) []component.ChangeEntry {
	tt, ok := changeService.(interface {
		ThreadType(repo string) string
	if !ok {
		log.Println("augmentUnread: change service doesn't implement ThreadType")
		return es
	threadType := tt.ThreadType(s.RepoSpec)

	if s.CurrentUser.ID == 0 {
		// Unauthenticated user cannot have any unread changes.
		return es

	// TODO: Consider starting to do this in background in parallel with is.List.
	ns, err := notificationsService.List(ctx, notifications.ListOptions{
	ns, err := notificationService.List(ctx, notifications.ListOptions{
		Repo: &notifications.RepoSpec{URI: s.RepoSpec},
		All:  false,
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("augmentUnread: failed to notifications.List:", err)
		return es

	unreadThreads := make(map[uint64]struct{}) // Set of unread thread IDs.
	for _, n := range ns {
		// n.RepoSpec == s.RepoSpec is guaranteed because we filtered in notifications.ListOptions,
		// so we only need to check that n.ThreadType matches.
		if n.ThreadType != tt.ThreadType(s.RepoSpec) {
		if n.ThreadType != threadType {
		unreadThreads[n.ThreadID] = struct{}{}

@@ -362,10 +365,16 @@ func (h *handler) ChangeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, change
	ts, err := h.cs.ListTimeline(req.Context(), state.RepoSpec, state.ChangeID, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("changes.ListTimeline: %v", err)
	if h.Notifications != nil {
		err := state.markRead(req.Context(), h.Notifications, h.cs)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("ChangeHandler: failed to markRead:", err)
	var timeline []timelineItem
	for _, item := range ts {
		timeline = append(timeline, timelineItem{item})
@@ -381,10 +390,29 @@ func (h *handler) ChangeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, change
		return fmt.Errorf("t.ExecuteTemplate: %v", err)
	return nil

func (s state) markRead(ctx context.Context, notificationService notifications.Service, changeService change.Service) error {
	tt, ok := changeService.(interface {
		ThreadType(repo string) string
	if !ok {
		log.Println("markRead: change service doesn't implement ThreadType")
		return nil
	threadType := tt.ThreadType(s.RepoSpec)

	if s.CurrentUser.ID == 0 {
		// Unauthenticated user cannot mark anything as read.
		return nil

	err := notificationService.MarkRead(ctx, notifications.RepoSpec{URI: s.RepoSpec}, threadType, s.ChangeID)
	return err

func (h *handler) ChangeCommitsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, changeID uint64) error {
	if req.Method != http.MethodGet {
		return httperror.Method{Allowed: []string{http.MethodGet}}
	state, err := h.state(req, changeID)