.. 2013-02-08 1756 Live Filesystem Access Beginning.png 2013-02-14 2217 First Connection between Widgets.png 2013-02-19 2144 Diff and Connections.png 2013-02-24 1302 Second-order Diff.png 2013-02-27_1926 TDD Workflow.png 2013-03-03_0113 Inline Errors.png 2013-03-05_2016 Git Gutter Quick Prototype.png 2013-03-11_1657 GitStatus and GitDiff Widgets.png 2013-03-16_2331 Live editing with connected dependencies test.png 2013-03-22_0128 Working with spew, a larger code base.png 2013-03-29_0134 High level highlighting for zoomed out view.png 2013-04-03_2242 Display currently available shortcuts.png